Mochi Misfit, where are you? - April 2023

Hello hello my dear mochifam,

I hope that you all are in good health and doing well despite the stress I may have caused you all since my last online update in January 2023. While I have shipped out a few orders since that last update I want to acknowledge my mistakes and address why it's taken so long since January to finally get the very last shipment of these dolls sent out and why I haven't been online. In 2023 I've been through quite a lot of problems from suffering from constant health issues (as addressed in my last online update), to having my personal and business social media accounts hacked into (some of which I no longer have no access to - yet I'm still trying to gain access to), and one of the most difficult of all, going through major financial issues due to my shop bank account being compromised.

This last issue resulted in losing quite a hefty amount of my shop's money and savings and thus having to stop shipments for a while until I was able to regain some sort of stability in my life to begin again. Combined with the other problems I was facing only resulted in an overwhelming amount of stress that really shut me down. To be frank, it left me feeling like an empty shell of my former self. However, I do want to acknowledge and accept that I should have at the minimum tried to reach out in various ways to update you all. That I should have tried to make more social media accounts or efforts to contact you all instead of keeping you all in the dark and for that I take full responsibility for my actions, or in this case lack of actions. That in the moments of my despair I was being selfish and didn't want to tell anyone (including my closest friends) of what was going on with me and my life in fear of judgment or accusations of only making excuses for taking so long. I now realize that keeping you all in the dark completely only made this far worse than if I just told you all from the moment things kept occurring. As an individual I tend to always keep most of my problems to myself to not be a burden and worry people around me but as a business I SHOULD HAVE been more transparent and for this I greatly apologize. That no matter how severe and engulfed I was with my issues I should have reached out with at the very least a small update to let you all know that I was okay and didn't just forget about everything and disappear like a rogue kpop GOM or shady business on the internet. Moving forward as I try my best to begin again from zero I will take all that I've experienced in mind and apply it to make myself and my business a better experience to the community.

As for the remaining shipment of the dolls, as of April 2nd I've managed to regain access to some of my business connected accounts but since it's been a while I did want to check in with each and everyone of you and assure that the information I do still have access to is accurate and correct (both bigcartel orders and etsy orders). Moving forward, all order inquiries will now only be addressed through [email protected]. So if I still haven't reached you yet or maybe your info changed from the one you initially made an order with, if you could please email me with your order # and most recent address I can finally get your order processed and shipped out as soon as possible. For now, the target goal is to get every last order shipped out by or before the 25th of April (ship date may vary depending on your email date). Also if you no longer want this doll please do let me know and we can work on processing a one time refund (usually I don't allow refunds but since the long wait is completely my fault I will allow it). Please note, that a refund option may take a while longer to process due to my limited finances.

Thank you for your time in reading all of this and I hope I can regain the trust and friendships I've built throughout this community as I begin again from zero. 

With Love,

Mochi Misfit